After work we came directly home. I changed clothes, put on the 'sand and surf' shoes I bought after last year's fiasco with the flip-flops, donned my gardening gloves, and went to work cleaning out the pond. I think I managed to scoop out the majority of last fall's leaves, but moving around in the water stirs up a lot of dirt and I couldn't see the bottom of the pond. I'll know more tomorrow morning, after everything I stirred up today has settled down. I got out of the water before I exhausted myself (another improvement over last year), added the wet and decaying leaves to my compost bins, then gave all three bins a good stir. I also did a bit of weeding while I was in the yard, and I even filled the bird feeders.
I was a wet and dirty mess by the time I came inside, so it was into the shower with me and into the washer with my clothes.