Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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Today was one of my better days

At work, I completed the end of month tasks and got ready to run billing. Meanwhile, out in the parking lot, a mechanic was at work installing a trailer hitch on our car. jebra has been asking for one as he'd like to use our bike carrier and hasn't been able to since we got rid of the old car.

After work we came directly home. I changed clothes, put on the 'sand and surf' shoes I bought after last year's fiasco with the flip-flops, donned my gardening gloves, and went to work cleaning out the pond. I think I managed to scoop out the majority of last fall's leaves, but moving around in the water stirs up a lot of dirt and I couldn't see the bottom of the pond. I'll know more tomorrow morning, after everything I stirred up today has settled down. I got out of the water before I exhausted myself (another improvement over last year), added the wet and decaying leaves to my compost bins, then gave all three bins a good stir. I also did a bit of weeding while I was in the yard, and I even filled the bird feeders.

I was a wet and dirty mess by the time I came inside, so it was into the shower with me and into the washer with my clothes.

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