Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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Humorless fools

I've long suspected I have a defective sense of humor, but the Republican Party here in Michigan has changed my mind. Michael Moore was in Detroit last week, giving a free outdoor lecture at Wayne State University and doing his best to motivate people to vote in the upcoming lecture. As a part of this effort, he's been giving away gag gifts like Ramen noodles, handing out free underwear and corn chips to prospective voters, and promising to clean dorm rooms in exchange for votes. Light-hearted, right? The Republicans were not amused. They dispatched letters to prosecutors in four counties, seeking action. The party wants Moore charged with violating election law by buying votes — a misdemeanor that could get him 90 days in jail or a $500 fine. Or both.

And I thought I was humorless.

  • Paging seagray

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  • Paging wpadmirer's Pat

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  • Paging siberian_skys

    A day late but heart felt... (If the card refuses to load, click here to open it in a new tab).

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