Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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Project 52

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Not a whole lot exciting this week. Considering the age we live in, that is not a bad thing. Speaking of bad things, I am mourning the loss of RBG. If I were in Washington, I'd have attended the vigil.

In mom news, we spoke several times this week. She was in a good mood every time, which was great to hear. She was also repeating herself, once immediately after telling me the long story of how she ended up with the wrong carpet steamer. (My brother Brad rushed her when we reading the boxes to decide what she wanted and she grabbed a floor steamer, not a carpet cleaner).

As for [personal profile] jebra's side of the family, all the kids had a zoom meeting to discuss caring for their parents. Right now the idea is to keep them in Michigan until it gets too cold and snowy, then move them somewhere other than Florida for the winter. The other focus is on clearing out unwanted stuff from their garage. My understanding is that the garage is still a pack-rat's heaven. I'm more worried about the interior of the house as there is just so much stuff in there. Artfully and attractively arranged for the most part, but just SO MUCH.

Last night was the Guild's Social Knitting in the church parking lot. I stayed home and zoomed instead as I wasn't feeling great and I once again have nonstop post-nasal drip and an intermittent cough. I suspect it's Fall Allergies (and right on time, too) so I am not freaking out that I have contracted COVID. I checked my temperature and I am not running fever and have no other symptoms so I am sticking with my self-diagnosis.

If there is other news, I have no idea what it might be.

Y'all take care.

Scrapbook papers & elements from the kit Bohemian Breeze
For more information about the designers and their work, see".

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Tags: family, guild, project 52, rl, scrapbooking

  • Project 52

    (If the image refuses to load, you should be able to see it in a new tab by clicking here.) Good things this week: On Zoom, I met a cat…

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  • Project 52

    (If the image refuses to load, you should be able to see it in a new tab by clicking here.) This was not an exciting week for me but a…

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