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jebra returned from MAGFest with a cold, so he was pretty low energy for most of the week. That suited me just fine as I am rarely high energy. I don't think we did anything after work other than a tiny bit of Ingress before going home. I knocked out another cat bed which is good as I brought home another bag of free yarn from last night's guild meeting and I have another trash-bag's worth promised for February. The next one will be from my guild sister Kitty who is (sob) moving to Oregon and doesn't want to haul excess yarn with her.
The guild meeting itself was very good. We had cake *and* a guest speaker, Kat Eldred of Why Not Fibers. She gave a talk about her design process and how she ended up in the fiber business. She was a medical transcriptionist when she started on the path that lead toward creating her own yarns.
In mom news, she was well when we last spoke (over the weekend, I think). I called and left her voicemail a few minutes ago, so I assume she off having with lunch with friends or something else fun. My sister KC is *still* in the hospital, not even rehab yet. I can tell she's sick of being stuck there.
Scrapbook papers & elements from the kit Bohemian Breeze
For more information about the designers and their work, see
This entry was originally posted at https://mrs-sweetpeach.dreamwidth.org/1029452.html.