Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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Grumpy and probably unreasonable

Being a good recycler, I just grabbed an empty cereal box from work's kitchen to take home and put in our bin. And looked at the box and discovered that Box Tops for Education have gone digital. On the one hand, no more clipping the little coupons but on the other hand, this requires receipts. And I am not happy with the idea that General Mills or whoever has that much information about what I buy and when. And it means I can no longer collect the coupons from boxes of stuff that arrive at work. I think that annoys me more than anything. I don't have children but I'd collect the things and give to my teacher friend to help fund her science classroom.

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    (If the image refuses to load, you should be able to see it in a new tab by clicking here.) I thought the week would be concert free, but…

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