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Last Thursday I had two early doctors appointments. First was Dr. Riutta, my physical doctor, who watched me walk, did a few easy strength tests ("push against my hands," that sort of thing) and declared me recovered enough to stop physical therapy. I won't stay that way if I don't do my exercises and true to form, I keep putting off actually doing them. I frustrate the hell out of myself as I own lots of rubberband things and a pilates ring, and two yoga mats. Not to mention two of those enormous exercise balls. I should bring in some of the rubberband things here to work (one of the balls and a yoga mat are already here) as the idea of laying down on the floor here at work is much less repulsive than doing so at home. Not to mention there is a heck of a lot more floor space here.
After my appointment with Dr. Riutta it was off to the allergy clinic for a new set of scratch tests or whatever they call them. Apparently patients are supposed to get tested every four-five-six years (she kept giving me different numbers while we talking). I asked how long it has been since I was last tested. Answer, 19. The test took a long while, 50 pokes in the first set, another 7 in the second. This time the only things I reacted to were molds and dust mites. I'm not sure I believe the results as I have a horrible time breathing during cottonwood season, and ragweed season, and when a lawn around my home has been cut. (I don't dispute the mold or dust, those also bother me to the point I find it difficult to sleep because I'm so congested.) They're going to discontinue one of my two shots and readjust the formulation of the remaining one. We shall see how I do when shots resume tomorrow. I was a very unhappy patient when I learned that I couldn't get my shot on the same day as the test. Amazingly, I've been able to sleep, perhaps because I'm that exhausted, perhaps because the weather has gotten colder and everything I'm allergic to has died off for the winter.
I don't remember Friday night, but I'm pretty sure I got to watch Live PD. Saturday was SEMGS, this time at David and Maria's house in Canton. We went and had a good time. On the way home we stopped in Dearborn to drop off stuff for the animal shelter. Our friend Becki collects newspapers, plastic bags, and empty medicine vials for them. We went in and chatted with her for a short while, then left with the intention of going to Meijers for distilled water. Only it was pouring down rain at the point and we went home instead.
I was exhausted to the point I skipped exercising and went straight to bed. In the morning jebra got up early (6:30, I think) and went to the TubaChristmas rehearsal in Ann Arbor. I stayed home and slept for another hour or two, then forced myself out of bed and started laundry. I washed our sheets, followed by a load with clothing, a trio of cat beds for Anthrocon, plus our own cats bedding, and followed that up with whites and bleach. During the first few loads I watched various murders from Discovery ID and finished crocheting one cat bed and started the next. In the middle of the afternoon, when the final load was in, I got on my exercise bike and watched another two hours of murder investigations. I took a shower and got dressed; jebra was home by this time and after he unpacked the car we went out for dinner and our delayed trip to Meijer. Where we turned in the plastic bags we've collected for recycling, returned a smaller bag of bottles, and purchased distilled water.
Monday was band practice for jebra and crochet followed by exercise for me. Tuesday night jebra recorded a concert for the high school and then processed and uploaded the files. I stayed home and did more crochet and another two loads of laundry. The hamper was actually empty for a short while.
I haven't talked much to my mom this week. I've called a few times but only got to talk to her once. And she was on her way out the door to a doctors appointment both of the times I actually got through to her. From her voice though, she sounds like she's feeling not only better but my like her healthy self. I want to go see her, but between work, concerts (there's another one tonight), and our need to do things like buy groceries, there's been no time to make the drive out to Ionia. I really dislike the busy-ness of this time of year.
Scrapbook papers & elements from the kit Bohemian Breeze
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This entry was originally posted at https://mrs-sweetpeach.dreamwidth.org/988351.html.