Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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Project 52

Where the heck does time go? This past week was not what I'd call eventful as it was filled with the usual: work, laundry, crochet, and a few rows of knitting. Oh, and guild last night, where we saw inspirational swatches for designing our own cowl patterns. This year's Sneaky Sheep is exchanging cowls; we're using Elfster to assign our person and to be able to ask them questions about their preferences anonymously. This year's Sneaky Sheep has the highest number of participants in the history of the guild. In my case, participation is driven by the simplicity of the exchange (last year's theme was Welcoming Spring and that was just too vague for my confidence in being able to delight my recipient. Another reason to sign up was knowing that the end of Sneaky Sheep the Guild will publish a book of cowl patterns using the patterns created by participants in the exchange and, presumably, pictures of the completed cowls.

In the Heights was written by the guy responsible for Hamilton and pretty darn good. Lots of rap combined with Latin rhythms and dance moves. The background story was interesting enough to make me want to pay attention although I did note the audience thinned at intermission, although not nearly as markedly as during The Best Man. That time it looked to me like half of the audience bailed during intermission; I was interested in the story and wanted to stick it out but I could sympathize with anyone who was so sick of politics they just couldn't stand another minute. This time I think folks leaving were driven by the awkward rapping of the male lead. Not that he's untalented; I'm pretty sure he delivered exactly what the script demanded.

Scrapbook papers & elements from the kit Bohemian Breeze
For more information about the designers and their work, see

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Tags: knitting, project 52, rl, scrapbooking, theater

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