Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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Project 52

This has been another fairly quiet and anti-social week. I don't believe I saw anyone other than coworkers and store clerks, and not even as many clerks as I'd hoped since I didn't manage to return to St. Vincent De Paul's to drop off more household goods. jebra were going to go to the Detroit Zoo on Sunday but we got up late and by the time he was showered and dress the zoo was only 45 minutes from closing. We went out and played a little Ingress instead, but even that was cut short as the great outdoors was cold and damp.

On the positive side, I finished another trio of cat beds to give to a rescue. I haven't yet decided who gets the current batch. I contacted the folk at MCFC (Motor City Furry Con) to see who they have chosen as this year's charity but it turns out they haven't decided on one yet. If the charity supports cats or small dogs, I may just hang on to my stock of beds until the con.

In political news that will surprise no one, I miss Obama more with each passing day. In things that did surprise me, I actually felt bad for Melania Trump after seeing how her husband acted toward her at the inauguration and in front of the White House. Although reading this, reminded me that there is more at stake here than the emotional well-being of a rich white woman.

Scrapbook papers & elements from the kit Bohemian Breeze
For more information about the designers and their work, see

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Tags: politics, project 52, rl, scrapbooking

  • Paging maddiec24

    I hope you have a great day and enjoy the Currier & Ives print on your card. It was entitled Kitties Among the Roses and dates back to 1873.…

  • Project 52

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  • Paging seagray

    (If the card refuses to load, click here to open it in a new tab).

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