Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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Project 52

Today's scrapbook page shows the highlights of the week. If you can't read the included screencap from AncestryDNA, my Ethnicity estimate reads:

Europe 100%
Ireland 37%
Europe West 20%
Europe East 14%
Scandinavia 14%
Great Britain 7%
Trace Regions 8%

I had 0 Shared Ancestor Hints, 0 Starred matches (whatever the heck those are), and 280 4th cousins or closer. Four people came up as possible second cousins, but I can't proceed further without (1) signing up for (roughly $300/year for access to their World Wide Resources (or $200/year for US only), and (2) getting jebra get my genealogy software working again. It's been broken for two years and he hasn't gotten around to fixing it yet.

Scrapbook papers & elements from the kit The Best Is Yet To Come.
For more information about the designers and their work, see

This entry was originally posted at

Tags: friends, genealogy, project 52, rl, scrapbooking

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