Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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Project 52

As you can tell from the scrapbook page, the main event of the past week was the Farmington Community Band's annual Valentine Dinner Dance. I went, I enjoyed the music, and I even knit a little bit. I also danced with the husband on the final tune of the evening but for the most part I sat quietly. I was (and still am) slowly recovering from whatever virus I acquired; this also explains why I did very little other than sleep over the weekend. Although I did finish another pair of cat beds — in addition to pushing to get more year out of the house I want to finish as many beds as possible before jebra leaves for Fur Squared later this month. The charity the con is supporting this year is HAWS, the Humane Animal Welfare Society and he's going to deliver them to the HAWS representative at the convention.

Scrapbook papers & elements from the kit The Best Is Yet To Come.
For more information about the designers and their work, see

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Tags: fcb, project 52, scrapbooking

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