Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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Project 52

As if today's page wasn't self explanatory, the highlights of the week were (in no particular order), making Level 11 in Ingress, actual progress on the garage, and the FCB Concert Band's Spooktacular concert. Good music and better than average turn out in terms of audience. If anything else of significance occurred, I can't think of what it might be.

Scrapbook papers & elements from the kit The Best Is Yet To Come.
For more information about the designers and their work, see

This entry was originally posted at

Tags: fcb, ingress, project 52, rl, scrapbooking

  • Paging maddiec24

    I hope you have a great day and enjoy the Currier & Ives print on your card. It was entitled Kitties Among the Roses and dates back to 1873.…

  • Project 52

    Click to embiggen

  • Paging seagray

    (If the card refuses to load, click here to open it in a new tab).

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