Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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Oh dear, here I go again

I turned on last night's How Do I Look? when I got home from knit night at Panera Bread. The episode was "Mistress of the Macabre: 37 year old Melody's Goth look" and already I'm annoyed because I *love* this woman as she was during the introduction. To me she seems smart, strong and self-confident. I also don't believe this "people in the office would respect her more and treat her better if she dressed more like other women." I am also delighted that she isn't offended that some of her co-workers have her in their phones as the "office beeeuuutch." Seeing as one of my coworkers has called me *beeeuuuutch" for going on twenty years, I think we're in the same boat, we don't care. As long as my coworkers do what I say when it's something I'm in charge of, I could not care less.

Now they're up to the getting rid of her clothes part of the episode and they're getting rid of her wonderful clothes. And the woman who fronts the show just said "I can understand Goth," which is entirely unbelievable.

I will admit the show conducted a pretty interesting experiment. They had Melody talk to a bunch of a people who could not see her (and who she could not see) and then had them guess which of five outfits belonged to her. None of them got it right. I'm not convinced that result means anything nor that it demonstrates that she needs to change her look. I will agree that Melody is more than her wardrobe appears to imply. She's not just smart and determined, she's also funny, interesting, and friendly (or at least a very good conversationalist).

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Tags: rl, television

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