Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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Drive-by Update

Three weekends ago was ConFusion. We went, it was fun, and that's pretty much all I remember about it. I have no clue what we did the following weekend. Last weekend was KnitMichigan followed by SMEGS followed by sleeping in and then lots of laundry.

At work, I spent all of January trying to clean off my desk. Today I saw the surface of the left hand side of my desk for the first time since August. Not that it was still bare by the time I left today, but the piles of paperwork are significantly shorter than they were on Monday.

Evenings I've spent watching crap television and knitting or crocheting. It isn't too surprising that I'm up to 218 projects on Ravelry. I'm not watching any of the new(ish) shows, at least not the fictional kind. I've seen four episodes of Staten Island Law (which I love), and a few eps of the new season of Hoarders. I've also discovered ME and have been re-watching The Saint and Burke's Law, and the new-to-me Honey West.

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