Worldcon was fun and I was surprised by the number of folk I recognized. Not that I know their names. I suck at names.
On the train to Chicago I cast on for my very first pair of knit socks and knit for the majority of the ride, plus time at the convention and again on the ride home. I didn't finish them until this morning. They turned out okay but I am less than pleased with the pattern. I used Cat Bordhi's personal footprint pattern, which is unusual in that you have to use lifelines and snip a stitch in order to open the foot of the sock and begin stitching the leg. That part made me nervous but worked out successfully. What I don't like is the sock's heel; it just doesn't look right.
If there's other newish news, I can't think of what it might be. Which means it's time for me to stop this and go back to entering accounting data.
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