Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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Drive-by update

It's been a busy few weeks. Two weekends ago was Maker Faire Detroit. I worked two shifts in the needle arts area, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. I also discovered that I suck at teaching needlepoint to more than one child at a time. I was impressed at the patience shown to the little ones by my fellow teachers. I'm not used to working with children and it showed.

The following Wednesday we took our cats to the vet for their annual checkups and vaccines. As usual, the cats were resistant about entering their carrier while at home but more than happy to jump in while we were at the vet's. Amazingly, they didn't fight while being transported and they didn't get into any squabbles for a few more nights. This was surprising as they haven't been getting along lately and have gotten into vicious fights on a nightly basis. We lecture them about getting along but being cats, they don't listen.

We took Friday as a vacation day and drove to Chicago for Musecon 2. I had an amazingly good time, right up until Sunday morning when jebra informed me that our main server had gone down. mbumby drove out to our house and did her best to rescue us, but the server was being a pain and refused to reboot. Even though she wasn't able to restart it, we appreciated her efforts and stopped on the drive home to have dinner with her. Back at the house I worked on unpacking and laundry while jebra put his efforts into getting us and our clients back on the net.

Lastly, here are my most recent craft finishes:

  Click to embiggen  

Not shown are the needlepoint robot I began stitching during Makers Faire, nor the small cross stitched key I made to prove to myself that I remembered how to do it.

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Tags: makers faire, rl, scrapbooking

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