Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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Drive-by update, weekend version

Saturday I got up and went to dance class since my Nia teacher's papa was supposed to dance with us. He didn't show, but we did Sanjana which is one of my favorite routines, so that almost made up for it. After class I went home and cleaned up because Jean was supposed to call around noon for me to meet her at the tattoo parlor where she's planning to have some work done. The call didn't come in until close to 5:00 (which, frankly, was not that much of a surprise). Until then I moved files and caught up a bit on email and LJ. I met Jean at the place, but her meeting was nearly over by the time I got there. She drives faster than I do, and true to form, I got lost getting there. Not very lost, but I parked farther away than I should have and then stood at the corner dithering as to which way to turn. I guessed East, which was correct, but I still had to walk two or three blocks to find the place.

After meeting with the artist, Jean and I sat down and leafed through his portfolio. It didn't take long as we'd already seen most of the photos online. After that, she went ice cream shopping and I took myself for a short walk around downtown Ferndale. I now know where all the cool kids are hanging out, as the streets were positively bustling.

After returning home I didn't do much. I thought about doing laundry, I think I messed about a bit on my laptop, and went to bed early.

Sunday I slept in until nearly one o'clock, had breakfast and brewed a pot of tea so that I could, hopefully, finish waking up. Once I was awake & showered & dressed, jebra and I went shopping. Our first stop was Costco, followed by Home Depot and Trader Joe's. All I wanted from Costco was the two photos I'd sent over for processing, but I scored big in the parking lot -- I found a Coach handbag sitting in the bottom of one of the shopping carts!

Come to think of it, it was pretty goofy day shopping wise. The trip to Costco was for my photos, but we came back with them plus a can of coffee and two loaves of bread. The trip to Home Depot was for two screws, we got them and an $8 folding chair to replace the broken one. Trader Joe's was the most important, since I had a craving for Sloppy Joes *and* I wanted to cook it myself. I'm sure this was the first time I've cooked anything for the both of us this year.

When we returned from shopping we ran billing, jebra used his new screws to hang the router from one of the rafters, and I made dinner. Dinner was ready just as Endeavour began. My timing was closer than I would have liked in that jebra missed the first minute or so toasting the bread and, later, bringing us seconds. I sure do appreciate his willingness to do that for me.

I thought the writers did a good job with Endeavour and I really enjoyed seeing the very young Max. Whoever played that part knocked it out of the ballpark. Although I don't think Shaun Evans looks at all like a young John Thaw, I didn't have any trouble accepting him in the role. Around the halfway point I started to panic because I suddenly remembered that I had to watch every episode of Morse twice before I completely understood who had killed whom and why -- and that without a DVR I wasn't going to be able to do that with Endeavour. Fortunately I understood what had happened by the time the episode concluded. This makes me wonder if the plot was less convoluted, or whether I was just lucky. At any rate, I plan to watch however many new episodes the BBC produces.

I didn't have any trouble seeing John Thaw

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Tags: endeavour, rl, scrapbooking, shopping

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