Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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Thinking about Iain

Much to my regret, I didn't know Iain well as I would have liked. Nevertheless, I have fond memories. One was a party at Iain's, Jennie's, and Chris' side-by-side apartments in Ann Arbor. The guests were watching Babylon 5 when I arrived and munching on foods mentioned during the various episodes. But what stands out in my memory was the quality of the conversations that took place as the recordings played. I'd never thought to relate B5 with real life politics — and that conversion lead to a much greater understanding of how people from other countries often view the U.S.A.

A few years later, Iain came down from Canada to attend Confusion and host a room party. Being an introvert, I knew I wouldn't be comfortable once the party got under
full swing, so I arrived early. Even though Iain was busy getting everything ready, he not only took the time to talk with me, but he also lent me his colored markers to help make signs for the party. I ended up having so much fun that I not only stuck around once the room began to fill with party-goers, but I ended up spending more time there than I did in the GT suite.

I believe Iain had the rare gift to honestly connect with people and I, for one, am always going to miss him.

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