Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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Drive-by update

Kiss of the Spider Woman tonight at the Baldwin. I have no idea how I'm going to react to this production. jebra is concerned I'm going to end up depressed and up half the night. I'm worried too, but the musical won a boatload of awards and I'm wondering if I should see it on those grounds alone. Not to mention we've already spend the money.

In knitting news, I finished my 4th Jayne Hat of 2012 on the way to work this morning.

In Nia news, my main teacher has come down with the flu. Jean will be substituting tomorrow morning. I set the alarm to get up and go to class but if Kiss bums me out, I may blow off going.

In con-going news, we were at Epic ConFusion last weekend. I spent some time at Bill Roper's table in the hucksters room and came away with a handful of CDs. Leslie Fish's Lock and Load is pretty good but the songs tend to make me feel a bit depressed. Roper told us we should get Play It With Moxie and he was so right. It's my favorite of the new music. Second place is Bedlam Bards' On the Drift, music inspired by Firefly and Serenity. I'm less impressed with their new album with Marc Gunn, Firefly Drinking Songs.

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Tags: browncoats, knitting, nia, rl

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