Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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Endless curiousity

There are not enough hours in any one person's lifetime to explore the doubtlessly thousands of things I become curious about. This morning I discovered on my desk a misdirected mail advertisement for ModelExpo. I glanced at the photos of model ships and airplanes, but my fancy was much more aroused by the 1:12 scale model of a Doctor's Buggy. Probably because the upholstery caught my eye:

But the image that truly made me curious was this:

MS4016 Coffee Wagon

I wondered if it was some sort of strange gun or canon considering the trio of chimneys. Google lead me to an article about it in The Civil War Librarian. I'd never heard of Christian Commission before and nor knew about the work they did.

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Tags: google

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