Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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Bah humbug (financial sense)

Two years ago I bought a pair of Birkenstock sandals for $30 plus tax. After daily wearing during the warmer months, the soles have worn completely smooth. Jebra found new Birks for me on eBay at the above price. The old pair are here at work with the thought I will wear them with socks when the weather turns cold (I wear snow clogs in to the office and change when I get here). Then it occurred to me that wearing shoes with uneven bottoms may not be the best thing for my back, so I called the new shoe repair place in Berkley for a quote. $55 to resole a pair of women's Birks ($60 for men's). Does this make sense? I know the guy's got to eat, and resoling them will keep them out of the waste stream, but still. That's $15/$20 more than it would cost me for another pair on eBay counting shipping.

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