Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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It's 2011 and I'm still behind on everything

We're two weeks into the new year already, but here are my year end stats for 2010:

Scrapped birthday cards:87
Pages scrapped just for fun:76
High resolution (3600x3600) scrapbook pages:6
Photographs:Enough to fill 6 CDs
Days of work missed due to illness:0
Jayne Hats:I lost count (Wah!) but at least 52
Non-Jayne Hats:8
Beret and Scarf Sets:2
Fingerless Mittens (pairs):12
Fairytale Princess Hats:3
Crochet Afghans:1
Animal Shelter Blankets:37

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Tags: crafts, rl

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