I have no idea what time we got out of there, but we came home, got the car packed as quickly as we could, and headed toward Indianapolis. It was after midnight by the time we arrived at Jebra's brother Les' place.
Thursday morning was filled with cooking and knitting, the afternoon and evening with family and yummy food, and the evening with computer geeking and more knitting.
Friday we hung out with Les and Brock (Les' son-in-law) for a couple of hours, then climbed back into the car for the drive home. We took the old roads and enjoyed a nice drive through the country. We stopped in Canton for dinner at Ikea, then continued home to unpack the car and grab the theater tickets.
Stagecrafters put on White Christmas and did a very good job with it. Afterwards we came home, unpacked, and started catching up on LJ and email. By two o'clock in the morning I no longer cared how far I was behind; I went to bed.
I forced myself out of bed when the alarm went off at 8:30 am and got dressed for Nia. I bumbled my way through class, came home, showered, dressed, watched something or other that I'd taped while we were gone, then dashed off to the Coffee Beanery for the Ravelry gathering.
Afterward it was back to the house for a few hours, then off to Darby's birthday party. Which was good and there were lots of people I don't get to see very often.
We got home late, did more computer stuff, and finally collapsed into bed.
Sunday we slept in, had breakfast, and then started doing the laundry. While downstairs I got it into my head that I finally had time to start sorting through the clean clothes and do something about the fact that we have more clothes than storage space. This was even more difficult than I predicted and we only got about half way through the drawers before we ran out of time. Jebra still had to get the pump out of the pond and we had to dash over to Jean & Marshall's to pick up the pumpkins they offered for our compost bin, then continue on to the Fox Run Retirement Community for a friend's 80th Birthday Party.
The party was quite fun as Ed had hired his own band to perform for us. Jebra describes it as an over-sized Dixieland Band and I thought they were quite good. I enjoyed the music and chatting with folks afterward.
It was 11:00 by the time we got home and after midnight by the time I got to bed.
Now it's another work week and I'm worn out. I did, however, download photos from my camera and make a scrapbook page for the family Thanksgiving.
This entry was originally posted at http://mrs-sweetpeach.dreamwidth.org/263213.html.