Saturday up reasonably early to drive to Grand Rapids to visit the Dale Chihuly exhibit at Meijer Gardens with mbumby. Got a surprising number of good photos and was interested in seeing how the exhibit changed with the season. Last time we were there it was late summer and the colors were brighter. Depending on the piece, Chihuly's work either blends in better with the landscape or pops out more.
In the evening we went over to Amy & Kim's place for the ArtPrize party. Enjoyed seeing them, greeting mutual friends, and meeting a few new folk.
Sunday we were up not-quite early enough to get to the Davis & Jones Family Reunion in Onondaga. We were an hour late in arriving (thanks to my insistence on returning my mother's house to the state it was when we arrived), but no harm was done. No one had left yet and I had plenty of opportunity to talk with everyone. I took photos again but none I'd call outstanding. We stayed a couple of hours then headed home. Was peopled out by the time we got to the car so it was just as well we arrived late.
On the way home we stopped at Costco for gas and to pick up a couple of boxes of frozen chicken pot pies. They make for an inexpensive lunch and one I don't have to run out to fetch.
Once we arrived home I loaded up th washing machine with dirty clothes, felted the two berets I finished while we were out on the weekend, cleaned up after the cats, and jumped in the shower. Then it was time to transfer photos from the camera to the computer and then settle down to watch
Inspector Lewis.
Now it's Monday and I'm back at the office.
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