Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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Drive-by update

We went to Makers Faire both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday we spent exploring (and in my case, doing a bit of experimental crochet followed by knitting about twelve inches for the Purl Street Scarf Project). Sunday Jebra did whatever while I hung out with the knitters and one particular woman who was spinning yarn while helping me learn to recognize and perform a wrap-and-turn.

This week has gone by in blur. I haven't had time to process the photos I took on Saturday (nor have I looked at the ones I took while were in Elkhart for the Jazz Festival). I don't know what the heck I've been doing other than trying to stay cool and wishing I were more awake.

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  • Paging siberian_skys

    A day late but heart felt... (If the card refuses to load, click here to open it in a new tab).

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