Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

  • Music:


Raw score: 66%

You're just about as deep in sexual hellfire as a person can get.
Virtually no urge, however demented, will go ungratified; practically
no boundary will go uncrossed. You're probably proud of your
adventurousness, and, honestly, you should be. Few people are confident
enough to pursue pleasure on their own terms.

Your morals could sink a bit further, sure, but it's likely
that you've got a pretty good idea of what you're into and what you
would do...above all you're honest with yourself with what you want. If
more people were honest with themselves, you'd have a lot more company
down in the flames.

AVOID: the lost souls in sexual heaven and (above all) the
denizens of sexual purgatory. You don't need any prudes or
wishy-washers in your life.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 41% on hellishness
Link: The Sexual HELL Test written by jason_bateman on Ok Cupid

Tags: quiz

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