Mrs_Sweetpeach (mrs_sweetpeach) wrote,

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PCI DSS compliance is driving me mad. I understand why there are rules concerning credit card data, but I am quite certain that the main reason that vendors collect and store credit card data is because that's what the credit card companies told us to do. Without it, we have nothing to show when the less honest among our clients decide not to pay for goods or services they received and run to their credit card provider claiming the charge was fraudulent.

This afternoon I explored the service that our credit card processor wants us to use to document compliance with PCI DSS. I couldn't find instructions on how to use the service, read through the FAQs, then tried searching for a users manual. I was so annoyed I had to scrapbook about it.

And then alter the screencap and send it to fail blog.
Tags: pci dss, scrapbooking, work

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